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E5S001: I have a BAD SLEEPER
Many of the families we speak to believe this. "I have a BAD Sleeper." "I don't know if my child is just really low sleep needs." "I am not sure they can actually sleep more." We've heard it all! Join us as we dive...
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E4S001: Does Sleep Training Mean Lots of Crying?
In this episode, Mica and Chelsae answered the question - Does Sleep Training Mean Lots of Crying? What's the one thing most parents are worried about when they thing about Sleep Training? Crying. Listen in as we...
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E3S001: Can I Still be Flexible And Have Good Sleep As A Mother?
In today's episode, we tackle a hot topic. A question that seems to be at odds for some families that are not sure whether they are ready to sacrifice their flexibility of the day for better sleep at night. We dive...
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E2S001: What To Do About Mom-Guilt (with a special guest mom)
Motherhood is a hard journey. A journey so fulfilling, yet so full of GUILT. WHY? Join us with one of our former clients, Emily Jaeger, our guest on the podcast shared her views about the reality of mom guilt and...
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E1S001: When I Knew I Had to Sleep Train
Parenthood comes with a load of decisions...and GUILT. Sleep is not an exception. For families, the biggest question is "is it time to make a change?"
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